Friday, April 11, 2008

Led astray...

4/11/08 - Fell asleep to a curious raccoon rummaging through garbage around camp last night... for about an hour.
  • 22 miles & downright HOT - open to significant exposure since there are no leaves on the trees yet.
  • Seriously considered taking a dip in Watauga Lake but thought better of it knowing that the water is still so cold.
  • That is until scaling the next big hill... then nausea from the heat set in & he wished he'd gone avantouinti. (May have been suffering a mild case of heat stroke.)
  • Lost for the 1st time - mile or 2 detour after misplacing the white blaze!
  • Arrived at Iron Mountain Shelter fairly late. Everyone was asleep when he got there, so in an effort to let sleeping hikers lie, Hearts foraged through his dry provisions. Nothing fills a man up quite like dried nuts & berries after a long day on the trail...


Anonymous said...

How are the sore limbs holding up?

hbearfoot said...

Hi Jim M. - Amos' knees are still predictably sore. I'm relying only on assumption that all of his other appendages are in tip top shape because he hasn't mentioned any other ailments - minus the new blister on his big toe. Are you a friend of his? The 'M' I assume stands for your last name, but who you are is a 'm'ystery to me!