Thursday, May 1, 2008

Some Smorgasbord...

5/1/08 - 7 am start. Hiked 9 mi into Daleville. Another day of fantastic weather.
  • Clambered across a 'super-rocky' ridgeline with a ton of graffitti - you know, the type teenagers slopily stencil when they're drunk & trying to prove their adequacy among their peers - "Seniors '07"!
  • Post office, outfitter, shower, laundry - the usual.
  • Hitched a ride south with some section hikers to The Homeplace Restaurant (HUGE buffet) where Amos maintains he scarfed down more food than I could eat in a week - maybe went a little overboard...
  • Staying at the HoJo with Half-brew & Snoopy (Mr. Friendly went MIA a few days ago).

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